If you have a toilet that troubles you often, you may think it is time to replace it. While installing a new toilet is one of the possible solutions for a troublesome fixture, it is not always the best bet. If a few fixes can solve your plumbing fixture’s problem, there is no point in spending extra money or to install a new toilet. But you can only make the right decision if you know when is the right time to replace your old toilet.
Even when aesthetics is not a concern, there are instances when you will need a new toilet. In this post, we look at some of the signs that may indicate it's time to replace your old toilet.
Your Toilet Needs Frequent Repairs
Your toilet is made up of several components. Inside the tank, you can find levers, clips, clamps, and many other things. Moreover, there is a handle, a flapper, and several valves. Over time, these components may break down and need repair, and that's quite normal. But when your toilet needs frequent repairs, it's time to weigh the cost of these repairs against the cost of installing a new toilet. Chances are, if your toilet is constantly demanding repairs, you will be better off by replacing your old toilet with a new one. While installing a new toilet is expensive in terms of money and inconvenience, it can surely help you save cost in the long run.
Your Old Toilet Clogs Frequently
Is your toilet always clogged? Do you find yourself using a plunger more than once a week? Toilet clogs are a common problem, especially in older, low-flush toilets. And naturally, plunging is not one of those fun activities you enjoy in your bathrooms all the time. If toilet clogs are a frequent concern, it is about time that you should replace your old toilet with a new one. If you think that might cost you in terms of water-saving that you enjoy due to low-flush toilets, don't worry. The latest, updated low-flush toilets are far more efficient, and convenience is an additional benefit that you can enjoy with toilet replacement.
You Find a Crack in Your Toilet
Another problem that indicates that it's time to replace your old toilet is a crack in your toilet tank or bowl. Cracks can be a source of a leak. Moreover, they can lead to a flood of water, which always happens at the worst possible time, such as around midnight or right over the weekend.
If you find a crack in your tank or toilet bowl, it is a good idea to be proactive and replace your old toilet. Do not wait until your toilet completely breaks down, as it can lead to a lot of inconvenience and hygiene concerns.
A Leaking Toilets
While we have already mentioned cracks, leaks can be as dangerous as a crack. Unlike cracks that are usually visible to the human eye, leaks can go undetected for several months. But if you use the toilet every day, you can easily notice a leak. A puddle around your toilet bowl, especially in the morning when your toilet wasn't used all night, can be an indication of a leak.
Moreover, leaks can damage the structure of your house. For example, a leakage in your toilet in the upstairs bathroom can lead to water damage in your rooms' walls downstairs.
However, certain leaks, such as leaks in the tanks, are not always as obvious. If you don't find obvious signs of leakage in your toilet, it's best to keep a check on your water bill. Leaking toilets often use more water than reflects in increased water bills without any significant change in water use at home.
Regardless of how a leak manifests itself, it is best to replace an old leaking toilet.
There Are Scratches on Your Toilet Bowl
Over time, cleaning and scrubbing your toilet can lead to scratches on the porcelain surface. With scratches, it becomes more difficult to clean and maintain the bathroom. Moreover, these scratches can often become the breeding ground for bacteria, which can further lead to hygiene concerns. If you see a lot of scratches on the porcelain surface of your toilet bowl and cleaning becomes a tedious task, it is time to replace your old toilet.
Your Toilet’s Flush is Never Ending
A common plumbing problem that is experienced by most homeowners is the constantly running toilet. While water flow for a short time following a flush is normal, if the water continues to running from the tank to the bowl, that’s an indication of an underlying problem. Not only is the noise of constantly running toilet irritating, but it also leads to a lot of water waste.
While a running toilet may bebe an indication of a plumbing problem, but if it is a constant concern, it is best to replace your old toilet.
If You Want Your Bathroom to Be More Efficient
If you already do not have a low-flush toilet, you already have a genuine reason to replace your old toilet. By installing a water-efficient toilet, you can save quite a bit on your water bill every year. A water-efficient toilet uses less than 2 gallons of water per flush, which is quite less than a 3-gallon or more flush toilets.
Best Plumbing for Your Toilet Replacement
If you are experiencing one or more of the signs highlighted above, it is a good idea to replace your old toilet. However, it is best to work with a professional plumber for this job. If you live in Arizona, Mesa Plumbing can help deal with all your plumbing problems in no time. Contact us now to find out more.